
Mammoet Holding

Mammoet is the world’s largest engineered heavy lifting and transport company, serving customers across the energy, civil, mining and maritime sectors. We help the world to grow safely and efficiently,  moving to a more sustainable future.

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Company profile

Wherever there is growth, there is need for energy, power, raw materials, infrastructure. We help to meet those needs by providing solutions to any heavy lifting or transport challenge – from replacing a single transformer to integrating the world’s heaviest offshore platforms.

Our expertise is helping to enable the energy transition, as renewable energy infrastructure grows taller and moves to more remote locations, both on the land and at sea.

Mammoet’s main customers include energy majors, engineering, procurement and construction companies (EPCs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), multinational construction companies and maritime services organizations.

Mammoet has over 7,000 employees working from more than 100 depots in over 40 countries across the world. We have the world’s largest fleet of heavy lifting and transport equipment, including more than 1,300 cranes and 4,000 axle lines of SPMT heavy transporter.


Mammoet Holding